about ann mackinnon

Healing begins with self - our bodies have this amazing inherent ability to heal and maintain themselves. We are all born with a loving and strong spirit. I have been working in the healing and social justice areas for most of my life. I understand our health, well being and the well being of others to be integrated. The personal, political, spiritual and physical are all interrelated. I believe our development as living beings, the development of our societies, and the development of our environment are all connected to one another.

We live in challenging times. With the amount of confusion, distress, isolation, overwork and sickness around us we need to continually make an effort and commitment to support ourselves and each other towards an integrated holistic process. My approach to healing and development is a community centred practice; to meet the community where they are and with a warm and nurturing approach, work together to support oneself and the community.

Together we work towards supporting the balance of internal and external environments that will lead to living in harmony and peace.

For more information contact ann mackinnon:
Telephone: 416-473-6634
email: ani.mac@rogers.com